Friday, November 3, 2006

Preliminary Election Thoughts

It's Friday of the weekend before the big Mid-term Elections 2006; and this means that political junkies everywhere (myself included) are beginning to get pretty excited. The upcoming election has all kinds of 'toss-up' races and will, surely, prove to be very interesting. In light of the proximity of November 7th I thought I'd offer up a few thoughts on and my preliminary predictions of the Election.

- The race I'm most interested is the one for the U.S Senate seat in Maryland. Michael Steele is probably my favorite candidate of all the ones out there this year. He's run a remarkable campaign and now has a legitimate chance to pull the upset. I will stop praising him now because I could go on and on. I really hope Steele wins.

- Mark Sanford will most definitely be winning re-election as Governor here in South Carolina. This makes me happy, as Gov. Sanford is a guy I really like. He's one of the few politicians left who seems to truly understand fiscal conservatism and small government. I am lucky in that my two favorite elected politicians, Gov. Sanford and Sen. Jim DeMint, are both from my home State.

- George Allen is a moron, and I sincerely hope he doesn't run for President in '08. Granted, he's been the victim of some vicious attacks and been overly beaten to death by the Liberal media, he's still run the worst campaign anyone seems to be able to remember. If he does this badly in a Senate race, I would hate to see him go National.

- If Wake Forest defeats Boston College this weekend and Texas finally stops screwing around in the 1st half against Oklahoma State, the GOP will assuredly retain control of both Houses of Congress. That was not a non-sequitur.

- Preliminary Predictions (In number of seats):
~ U.S Senate: 53 GOP, 45 Democratic, 2 Independent
~ U.S House of Representatives: 220 GOP, 215 Democratic

That should do it for now. I'll revise my predictions at least once more before Tuesday.

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