Sunday, November 19, 2006

DoubleThink - Draft = Bad...Must Bring Back!

What's the matter? Is that title a little bit confusing? Indeed, well so is the recent call by Representative Charles Rangel to re-instate the Military Draft; but here's the real stunner, Mr. Rangel is not one of those evil, warmongering, Nazi-like, Republicans; but a Democrat. And you thought my title was confusing!

Sadly, folks it's true, after nearly 4 years of warning the American public that they should vote Democratic because the evil Republicans and Bush would bring back the draft, Rep. Rangel apparently got tired of waiting and just decided to do it himself. No word yet on how he'll blame President Bush for the idea.

This brilliant idea, of course, comes from the same party that birthed the anti-war activist back in the 1960's during that whole 'Vietnam' thing. Oh, and I seem to have forgotten, what exactly were a lot of those liberals complaining about back then...? Oh, that's right: The Military Draft! So either Mr. Rangel is trying to employ some clever political move to re-energize all those old, smelly hippies with anti-war zeal or he's just a complete f-ing moron.

I'll take f-ing moron for $200, please, Alex.

The best part of Mr. Rangel's stupidity though, comes from this great line right here: "[Rangel] has said the all-volunteer military disproportionately puts the burden of war on minorities and lower-income families." Yes, that's right. He actually thinks the Draft will make minorities and poor people less likely to serve in the military. Clearly, this guy was smoking a lot of dope back in the 60's, because he doesn't even remember their talking points correctly! Reminder for Rep. Rangel - hippies no like draft; complain draft is unfair to poor people and minorities; also complain that draft exempts evil, rich people like George W. Bush.

Speaking of George W. Bush, wasn't his Vietnam military service labeled by Democrats as 'dishonorable' due to the fact that he, like all the other rich, white boys, had used his powerful connections to 'get out' of any real service? Wasn't this the reason why John Kerry was a 'hero'? You know, because despite being so rich and powerful he went to Vietnam anyways? Indeed, liberal talking points on the Vietnam War from the 1960's to the 2004 election have been based on the belief (and rightly so) that the Military draft placed more of the war burden on the poor and minorities.

So, Mr. Rangel, which reality is it going to be? That the all-volunteer Army overburdens the poor and minorities or that the Draft Army does? Please pick one; it's very difficult to argue with you when you take both sides.

In the end though, all sarcastic jabs aside, the issue of the Military draft comes down to one thing: choice. In a country that's based on Individual Freedom you can't mandate that anyone should serve their country in any way whatsoever (including the Peace Corp, etc.); or, to look at it another way, in the United States, Freedom means you have a God-given right to be a selfish asshole if you so choose.

Thomas Jefferson once said that "the tree of Liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and tyrants," and, as always, he's right. But he forgot one part; and that is this: a country that doesn't have enough Patriots willing to give their blood, deserves the tyrant.

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