D*mn It...Blog Issues
So, bad news on the Blog front: earlier this evening, while attempting to switch over to Blogger.com's new blog format, I seem to have lost my entire blog! So, I've created this new one in the meantime, and will just post here. I had my most recent posts saved, so I put those up below, and I have some of my favorite ones from months past saved, and I'll put those up over the next few days. Everything else should be about the same, minus most all of the old material.
I'm going to try to rescue the old blog....but I'm not exactly optimistic about its chances. Hopefully, I'll at least be able to get the old web address back; but, again, I'm not exactly optimistic about this. Hopefully, I'll get some new stuff up later tonight.
In my current frustration with all things Blog, I am comforted by the simple phrase: "shit happens."
What? You expected something more eloquent? ;-)
Throught the magic of the internet I've been able to rescue a bunch of my old posts. I'm going to put some of them up over the next few hours.
**Update #2***
Ok, that didn't take as long as I thought....the 57 old posts (out of 80 something) that I could find are now up on this site with the same date as before. Will look for some of the others, but, again, I'm still not optimistic.
***Update #3***
Well, I seem to have recovered everything I wrote before about the middle of May, however, oddly enough, the newer stuff, from June - November of this year is what I've been unable to locate.
***Update #4*** (12/11)
Tried looking for some old stuff again today for the first time in a while and was able to find most of the ones from this past summer as well as everything from this past October. I guess I shouldn't have been so pessimistic, as of now I've recovered most of my stuff.
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