Friday, January 30, 2009

SC Rep. Nikki Haley On Transparency, Spending

Prior to today, I'd heard good things about SC State Representative Nikki Haley, but haven't really had a chance to hear her talk or learn anything about her first-hand; having now done that, I must say, I'm deeply impressed.

Unlike seemingly the vast majority of "Republicans" in the SC State House, Rep. Haley isn't part of the Good ol' Boy network, nor is she the average Democrat turned RINO, willing to spend my great State into financial catastrophe. In fact, she's probably the greatest advocate that true fiscal conservatives have right now in all of Columbia. She's also just managed to piss off the establishment and score a huge victory for voters with her recent, and ongoing, crusade for much-needed transparency in our State Government.

Anyways, I've posted a video below of her talking about some of the issues (as well as some fundamental conservative principles) at a sort of 'Meet your State Rep' event she recently did. It's kind of long, but if you want to understand some of the fundamental problems with South Carolina State government, and how to start fixing them, or if you just want to listen to a damn good speech about why transparency, real spending restraint, and public interest/participation are important when it comes to government, take the time to listen.

Well said, ma'am - and keep fighting for South Carolina voters, even those of us who aren't in your district!

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