Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Those Crazy Brits

Q: What happens when big government gets between an Englishman and his cigarettes?

A: He uses his (classically British) sense of determination to get around it in any way possible; which, in this case, happens to mean turning his Pub into an Embassy for some remote Caribbean Island. (story)

20 bucks says that, by the end of this week, a cannabis joint near you will check into whether or not the Dutch already have an Embassy here in the U.S.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

If He Finds Himself In A Dogfight....

...I hope to God that whoever it is that's battling him (in the '08 GOP Primary or the General Election) will destroy Senator Graham with an attack add like this:

Of course, the problem that we opponents of Senator Graham have always had, remains - that being: who do we run against him? The conventional wisdom, for the last few years, was that Thomas Ravenel would be the man who was both willing and able to do it; however, given his recent..... um.... situation...... well, let's just say that getting charged with intent to distribute cocaine is no way to start one's attempt to unseat an incumbent U.S Senator.

The search goes on, I suppose, but if someone in the South Carolina GOP wants to present a serious challenge to Lindsey in the '08 primary, they're going to need to get in on the action soon.
Oh well, for now, at least, I remain optimistic.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Because It Couldn't Possibly Be Their Own Fault

I guess that once one becomes a fervent believer in the religion of global warming, blaming that religion's 'apostates,' if you will, for the world's problems is a logical next step. Well, at the very least, it is for the UN Secretary General, who, in Sunday's edition of the Washington Post, blamed the genocide in Darfur on, you guessed it, global warming.

No, seriously, he did.

But hey, some religious nutbags believe that 9/11 was God's punishment to us for tolerance of gays, others, that genocide in Darfur is God's punishment for not taking global warming seriously enough.

Or, at least, I suppose that's how the logic would go.

Philosophically speaking.

Thing is, religious extremism, no matter whether your religion is Christianity, Islam, or Global Warming, is unbecoming, stupid, and, well, a serious problem for those of us with brains enough to have remembered that age-old wisdom about taking things in moderation.

However, there is another, more important, and perhaps predictable, feature of Secretary Ban Ki Moon's editorial of which one should take note. That, of course, is the startling lack of responsibility he gives the very organization which he heads.

You know, the one dedicated to the principles of Human Rights, World Peace, and whatnot.....

Never mind that millions of people died in a genocide while his United Nations stood by and did practically nothing - just blame the whole shin-dig on global warming. Because, you know, when it comes down to it, that's a hell of a lot easier than looking into why your organization failed so miserably in attempting to stop or lessen the violence in Darfur.

With those kind of passing-the-buck skills, Mr. Moon will fit in quite nicely as the new head of the UN.

Moreover, Secretary-General Moon and his fellow global warming faithful will never be in short supply of that one thing which religious nuts of all kinds share in common: stupidity.

Monday, June 11, 2007

And So It Begins....

In the aftermath of his strong stance on behalf of Ted Kennedy and illegal aliens everywhere, it appears that some of my fellow South Carolinians have reached their limit with our good Senator Lindsey Graham. In the past few days, a couple of new blogs have popped up which concern themselves exclusively with evicting Lindsey Graham from the U.S Senate when he stands for re-election in 2008.

Here's the links for you:
- Dump Lindsey Graham
- Boot Lindsey Graham
And for good measure, similar sentiments from one of our fellow Carolinians of the Northern variety:
- Lindsey Graham Countdown Clock

Senator Graham has developed a rather mean liberal streak during his time in the Senate, and he has certainly ceased to represent the majority of South Carolinians - who are true Conservatives. Consequently, I must say, it's nice to see my fellow South Carolinians take issue with this man, and begin the arduous process of a grassroots campaign against him. Of course, while for many in South Carolina (and around the country) it seems to have taken the recent Immigration bill to make them fully realize the extent to which Lindsey Graham is a pathetic excuse for a Senator, some of us had this figured out quite some time ago.

You see, before he got into politics, Lindsey Graham made his fortune as a Trial Lawyer, and not just any kind of Trial Lawyer, but the kind who makes the big bucks suing Doctors through Medical Malpractice lawsuits. Indeed, Graham once secured a $5 million dollar payout in one of his Malpractice cases. The fact that he made some serious money in such a fashion would, naturally, make him somewhat hesitant to support, oh, say, tort reform. And indeed, back in 2003, Graham's very 1st year in the Senate, he was one of only 2 Republican Senators to oppose President Bush's proposed tort reform bill. Furthermore, aside from voting against the bill, he actively campaigned against it, and made clear that he would actively campaign against any such
future legislation.

After discovering those few nuggets of information, those of you who've been reading this blog for any period of time will understand why I vowed long ago to never vote for this man - ever.

Given all this, the game now becomes one in which the move falls to South Carolinians, as they must find a solid Conservative who will be both willing and able to beat Graham in the Republican primary. Of course, given the State we're talking about, I highly doubt there'll be a shortage of such folks!

So here's to the 111th Session of the United States Congress (set to begin in 2009); a Congress which will feature Jim DeMint as the Senior Senator from South Carolina.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Bush Makes Good on Promise

Way back when he was campaigning for President the 1st time around, back in 2000, then-Governor George W. Bush made a promise to the American people. He assured them that, once in office, he would be a "uniter, not a divider." Many people, particularly on the left, have been sarcastically/mockingly referring to this remark for the 6+ years of his Presidency. Sadly, their fun is now at an end. Now, finally, President Bush has made good on this promise to unite us all. With the coupling of his proposed immigration "reform" bill and the War in Iraq, both Republicans and Democrats have now, at long last, become united - united in their strong dislike for President Bush's policies.

I'm guessing that wasn't the kind of unity he was planning on - but hey, a politician coming through on a campaign promise happens so infrequently, we might as well try to focus on the positive, right?

Yes indeed, since he has become adamant about giving amnesty to Illegals and not bringing our border security up to par, the very grassroots Conservatives who campaigned for him, stuck up for him, and took heat for supporting him, have now been officially bitch-slapped by him.

Oh, and those grassroots Conservatives? They're hitting the President's Party where it hurts - the wallet, as RNC small-donor contributions are down by an estimated 40%!

I guess not contributing to the RNC is another thing on which Republicans and Democrats can now agree.

So congratulations Mr. President for making good on your promise; I just hope this wasn't what you really wanted.

These Messages Brought To You Courtesy of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy