Saturday, December 16, 2006

Who Do You Trust?

So who do you trust? Not in your personal life, but which professionals do you trust? Well, according to this recent poll, most Americans tend to trust people in the Medical field. Yes, that's right, in survey of 21 common/prominent professional fields, the top 5 most highly trusted professions were all in the Medical field! Lawyers? Well, they were down in the bottom half, and had a 'net high' rating of (no joke) -20%!! Ha!! That dismal number had them in a tie with U.S Senators in the honesty department. John Edwards must be proud.

Here were the top 5:

1. Nurses: 82%
2. Pharmacists: 69%
3. Veterinarians: 69%
4. Medical Doctors: 63%
5. Dentists: 58%
I guess this just goes to further demonstrate how out of touch all these Trial Lawyers really are. They spend all that time in court trying to portray Doctors as 'untrustworthy' and 'dishonest' folks; but, as the numbers seem to show, most Americans aren't fooled. They know who's really dishonest and underhanded - the Trial Lawyers! So, word to the wise for all the Trial Lawyers out there, when the American people have the same amount of confidence in your profession as they do in their Politicians; you're doing something seriously wrong.

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