Saturday, October 15, 2005

Iraqi Progress

Now that the ratification vote for the Iraqi Constitution is complete, I must say it was a wonderful thing to see. According to FOX news "no fewer than 61%" of the population voted on whether to utilize this new Constitution. In the last election here in the USA, perhaps the most heated and intense contest we have ever had, only 42% of our population turned out.

Regardless of the outcome of the vote, it is amazing to see all these people go out and vote, as they try to make Representative Government work over there. To see the way in which both men and women flashed their dyed fingers after casting their vote said something about the folks over in Iraq. It shows us that they, perhaps more so than most Americans, are not only commited to the long-term goals of Democracy, but that they are appreciative of this opportunity to start over and to try and make Iraq a succesful counrty, without Hussein. It also shows us that Iraqis are clearly willing to participate in this type of government, and this sort of involvement will be a key to Democracy's potential success.

Many people have, justifiably, asked 'what is success in Iraq?' For me, having Iraqis vote on a Constitution with which to govern themselves is certainly a part of 'success'. Another part, is when they adopt a Constitution, whether it be this one or the next, and put that government into action. Another component is when they can defend their people from terrorists and protect their borders, especially the Iranian one. And if I may be so bold, another indication of success will be when they can enter into the world petrolium market and begin to collect a national revenue through Oil Sales (hopefully most of which will be to the US).

Despite what many believe, there is real hope in Iraq for success; and the greatest manifestation of that hope is these people, who went, un-bombed I might add, to vote for their potential Constitution.

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