Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Illegal Immigration

Once again the the 'maverickness' of John McCain is upon us. McCain, along with Sen. Ted Kennedy, has proposed a bill that allows illegal immigrants to gain American citizenship. I find it quite amusing that Senator McCain wants to reward these Mexicans for breaking the law. We can't deport illegal immigrants because that wouldn't be "workable." Furthurmore, he says we cant expect "employers to be (immigration) officers."

As seems to be so often the case these days, Sen. McCain errs. There is a much better way to solve the problem of illegal immigration. What we need to do is crack down on buisnesses who hire illegals. Enforce stiff penalties for companies that hire aliens, so that they won't do so. You are probably thinking, I know, that 'we need someone to mow our grass since we don't want to do it,' but the honest answer is, we have thousands of Mexicans willing to legally immigrate to take the place of illegals. There is no shortage of wannabe grass mowers.

If buisnesses stop hiring illegals and hire legals, it does essentiallly nothing to change their bottom line, Mexican labor is cheap even if the Mexicans are legal citizens. And what the buisnesses do lose, the country gains. We get rid of undocumented people in this country, we can begin taxing all workers, and not have illegals free-loading on our school system.

And here's the great thing, if we can force companies to hire legals as opposed to illegals, we wont have to deport all of the aliens, many will simply leave. Now of course when we do find illegals we have to arrest them, and send them to jail or deport them, it's called the law, and not even illegals are exempt from it. However, the idea is that if you eliminate their job opportunities by penalizing the employers, and you arrest the ones who try to free-load on schools and other such things, they will have no reason to stay here and will simply go back home, and hopefully try to come back legally.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't allow immigration, or that Mexicans should be banned from coming to the U.S, I'm just asking that when they do come, they sign the guest book.

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