Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Abortion + Malpractice = Moral Chaos

Q: How do you know your moral compass is really spinning in all the wrong directions?

A: When you decide to sue your Doctor because she wasn't able to successfully kill your baby!

Oh, and as an added bonus, her Doctor failed to kill her baby, so she went to other Doctors, figued this out, and ended up not killing the baby, and now, when the child is a full 2 years old (and has not been put up for adoption, interestingly), she's decided she wants money? No, wait, scratch that, she deserves money. Hell, she's owed it by God's righteous law.

The word 'frivolous' comes to mind......among many others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

opertunist...professional victim...

I'd be concerned for the wellfare of the 2yr old...she may sell her organs next.

These Messages Brought To You Courtesy of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy