Score One For War
I have long contended that one of the many positive justifications for the War in Iraq has been the improvement that it would/is bringing to the quality of life for ordinary Iraqis. The logic behind this contention has been further confirmed by a recent survey conducted of Iraqis; in which, most of them (including the Sunnis) stated that, despite the ongoing War, life was better than it had been under Saddam Hussein. Now, I understand that simply improving the locals' quality of life, in and of itself, doesn't constitute a reason to start a war; however, that we have done so in Iraq is a stellar example, yet again, of why peace isn't always so peaceful and why war isn't always so bad.
Notice that, while the Kurds never got any protests or D.C Lobbyists on their behalf, they're now free - Tibet and the Sudan meanwhile.....not so much.
Nevertheless, many on the anti-war side of the Iraq argument will quickly gloss over this news, or likely ignore it altogether, and simply claim that it doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of this 'failing' war; just as they side-stepped around the removal of Saddam with the "Yes, Saddam was a bad guy; but...." line. While, as I said above, playing 'International Superhero' isn't, by itself, a good reason for entering into a war, I can't help but notice how flippant and dismissive the "sure that's true; but..." arguments sound coming from a group of people who never have nor likely ever will live in anything close to a true dictatorship. To be fair, this is more a personal observation than arguing point; as anti-war Americans are hardly to be blamed for enjoying the advantages they do.
Perhaps, what this new survey indicates, more than anything else, is that, despite all of the current violence, the majority of Iraqis have no real sympathies for any of these radical groups; but simply want to be able to freely live their lives - and that's certainly a positive.
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