Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nikki Haley in 2010!

Having been both busy with life and severely disheartened by the very real probability of ObamaCare, several issues on which we here at the BSS would have happily bloviated, profusely, have been ignored over the last couple of months. Not least of such topics is the ongoing race to be the Republican nominee for South Carolina Governor in 2010. So far, this primary race has attracted 5 candidates; including, as of last month, State Senator Nikki Haley, of whom we have been highly complementary in the past.

To get right to the point, Haley is exactly what I look for in a politician; and thus, obviously, who I plan on supporting in the primary.

For those of you unfamiliar with the rest of the field, and interested in learning of its crappiness, here's the rest of the list. It consists of 3 genuine, South Carolina Good ol' Boys and some Libertarian Furman professor:

- Andre Bauer, our Lt. Governor, who's most famous for using legislative privilege to get out of speeding tickets and....uh...oh, yea! Sucking up to Senior citizens for votes.
- Gresham Barrett, a U.S Representative, who voted for the bailouts, said he would do so again, and yet still tries to claim the mantle of 'fiscal conservative' (He also got booed at the Greenville Tea Party).
- Henry McMaster, our state's Attorney General, who recently made himself look like a moron when he sued Craigslist in order to....try (unsuccessfully) and pander to voters. He also makes bad TV commercials about identity fraud.

(Finally, let's be honest, I'm sure the Furman Prof is a great guy, but the Alan Keys of the world are of no concern here)

Anyways, if you're one of those establishment Republicans who believes in the power of money and connections over that of people and liberty, then by all means vote for one of the 'Big 3' candidates.

However, if, like us, you believe in small, transparent government, in true fiscal conservatism (not our growing-the-state-budget-at-record-levels, State government, kind of fiscal 'conservatism'), and truly reforming South Carolina's corrupt state government, then you might want to give Nikki Haley a look.

Here's the website: Haley for Governor.

I must say, it's nice to have someone in this race I can get excited about.

Also of interest:

A good interview with RedState

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