Monday, July 31, 2006

Why Israel Is Right

If you watch the news at all these days, you probably hear an awful lot about Lebanese civilians dying. You also probably hear a lot of the anti-Semitic drudge that comes out of the UN. Perhaps you were beginning to be swayed by the media's stories and beginning to wonder why the Israeli Air Force keeps "targeting civilians." Fortunately for you, one Australian report has you covered. He's on the ground and has answers to those questions.

Check out this article

You see, Israel targets civilian areas because those are the areas that Hezbollah uses to launch their rockets. Note when the reporter points out that "until the Hezbollah fighters arrived, [the area] had not been touched by the Israelis. [After Hezbollah used it,] it was totally devastated." In other words, Israel avoids targeting civilians, that is, until Hezbollah fighters drive into civilian areas and try to use the locals as human shields. Then, unfortunately, civilians become caught up in the battle; and they have no one to blame but Hezbollah.

It's scary stuff for sure, and a true insight into the "holy" nature of Islamic terrorism. Not many other groups can claim that they ooze anti-Semitism and cause hundreds of innocent civilians to die because they want to use them as shields and exploit their deaths politically. Needless to say, don't by the anti-Israeli message for a second.

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