Friday, March 10, 2006

What's Wrong With Bush?

I like George W Bush. When all is said and done I think that his forigen policy will rate as best of any President. Domestically, he has at ther very least revived a stagnant economy in the wake of 9/11 and managed to make it the most effecient one in American history, and for this he deserves credit. However, in this second term, thus far, the Oval Office has been devoid of the strong leadership and great ideas that came from it during the first term. The recent speech in support of the ongoing War on Terror was perhaps Bush's best move since being re-elected.

But on a different note, he has abandoned all thought of fiscal restraint in domestic spending in the aftermath of Katrina. He has abandoned the much-needed Social Security Privatization reform he sought not to long ago. He has, as of yet, failed to create a strong stance against illegal immigration. And now, he has absolutely boggled a chance to put a true, deserving justice on the Supreme Court with the nomination of Harriet Miers. While some of the criticism he has received this term is not deserved (see Hurricane Katrina), much of it is, and the President knows how to respond. He just has to do it.

With 9/11, a strong economy, the War on Terror, 2 (and possibly 3) Supreme Court nominations, not to mention an unwanted excess of natural disasters(both national and international) Bush is quickly becoming the most influential person in the post-Reagan era. Thus far he has done well and shown strong leadership. Now is not the time to stop.

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