Monday, February 27, 2006

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - Returns!

Just wait for it. Before long Hillary Clinton will bust out that Vast Right Wing Conspiracy again. Only this time, expect her to be the poor victim of the vicious GOP attack dogs. Poor Hillary. I'm sure that America feels her pain at being 'obsessed' over. And I can only imagine how being in the public eye and on the news all the time just terribly upsets her.

The reason I warn you of this is because of Sen. Clinton's comments today that Karl Rove (the evilest of all evils) "spends a lot of time obsessing about [her]" and her political future. What sparked this was Mr. Rove's comments that Hillary was going to be the Democratic Presidential Nominee in 2008. Anyone who thought otherwise was "kidding themselves" according to Karl. Best of all was when Hillary claimed that Karl thought more about her political future than she did!

First off, no one thinks about Hillary's political future more than Hillary because, let's be honest, Hillary Clinton is one of the most self-centered, power-hungry, underhanded politician since....well.....Stalin? (They are both Communists, although Stalin wasn't big on feminism.....). Mrs. Clinton spends all of her time thinking about her and her political future, so Karl Rove is light years behind her in that department.

Finally, how exactly is Karl Rove wrong? Who, in their right mind, doubts that Sen. Clinton will, at the very least, make a serious run for the Democratic Nomination? We've all known she wanted to become President since, well, since we first heard of her. Saying that Hillary is going to be the Democratic Nominee in '08 is simply playing the odds. It's like betting on the 1992 Dream Team to win the Olympic Gold, it might not happen, but, you know, pretty darn good odds.

Hillary Clinton just wants some media headlines in order to make herself the victim again; just like she tried to do with her husband during his Presidency. Further, it was a great opportunity to bash Republicans and how they have made "hundreds" of mistakes in Washington. Although by now, her gig is getting old, and most of main-stream America tends to ignore it, a trait which could prove fatal in the 2008 election. For now though, Hillary's diatribes will only matter to the idiotic Democrats who support her and those of us on the Right who sporadically forecast the '08 election and who just plain enjoy making sarcastic, satirical critiques of Madame Clinton.

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These Messages Brought To You Courtesy of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy