Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Muslims Get Taste of 'Down Under' Jails

Just in case you didn't notice, or were watching CNN complain about the lack of French compassion instead, something absolutely astounding happened today in Australia. 16 Muslim men, 7 from Sydney and 9 from Melbourne were arrested for plotting a terror attack. As it turns out, these men were apparently plotting a 9/11 type attack (at least in magnitude) in Melbourne. According to authorities, they had bombs made and ready for use, and were operating a 'mini-factory', of sorts, that they were using to produce more. Additionally, these terrorists are under the leadership of Abu Bakr, a man who is well noted in Australia for his extreme devotion to jihad and Osama bin Laden.

The fact that this plot has not only been discovered, but stopped, speaks volumes to the anti-terror forces in Australia. A great deal of praise and credit is owed to Australian authorities and police forces for their superb work in uncovering this plot. It is victories like these that demonstrate to us that the War on Terror is indeed winable; and that also help add to the sense of desperation that our enemies are rapidly begining feel.

Since late 2001, Australia and Prime Minister John Howard have been perhaps the strongest American allies besides Tony Blair and Britian. The fact that they can put a halt to this type of terror plot speaks highly of thier ability to be brilliant allies in the War on Terror. Furthermore, with the current debacle in France, it is extremely comforting to see a country that can actually deal with, and solve, its own problems. So kudos to John Howard and his government, and here's to many more succesful 'outings' of al-Qaeda plots, where ever they so happen to be.

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