Monday, September 19, 2005

Enough from Mayor Nagin

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the American public has heard a lot from New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Most of it has been complaining from the steps of City Hall, or affirming on TV that President Bush and F.E.M.A screwed his city (Isn't it odd that he has so much time to make those apperances when half of his city is underwater). Most recently, he has decided to let folks back into New Orleans, even when the Federal Authorities told him that it was not safe. Fourtunately, the potential arrival of Tropical Storm Rita has convinced him otherwise.

But isn't it time he shut up? Or that someone else shut him up? Since Hurricane Warnings were issued for the Gulf Coast, the Mayor has done absolutely NOTHING commendable. He has been the very antithesis of a leader. He neglected entirely his cities evacuation plan. He failed to cooperate and communicate with Federal and State officials. He allowed lawlessness to run rampant in his City without seeming to care that much. And now he has, albeit briefly, tried to place his citizens back in harms way against the recommendations of the Federal Authorities.

Quite simply, Mayor Nagin needs to go on vacation. That new home he just bought in Dallas would be a good start. Or maybe somewhere in that $10 billion in aid we can find a few $1,000 to help him take his family to Colorado. Then, while Nagin is on a 'excused leave of absence' we can find someone much more compotent and acceptable to be his temporary replacement. Maybe Jeb Bush, who has proven time and time again his ability to handle these situations, can double as Florida Gov and New Orleans Mayor. Hell for that matter, anyone with appropriate leadership skills would be great, or for that matter, just anyone more competent than Nagin would be a good start.

And I'm not saying this to be racist, or unfair; clearly there is more than enough blame to go around, much could be levied at Gov. Blanco for example. But the honest to God truth is that New Orleans, more so than any other area, needs a compotent and admirable leader RIGHT NOW, and Nagin has not, or cannot it seems, provide such leadership. And the losers in this situation are of course the innocent victims who live in New Orleans. They actually dealt with this storm and didn't get the help they needed, and still aren't. A new Mayor only makes thier lives better.

So maybe its time that Bush does intervene in an extreme way. Maybe he should do what Nagin has been howling at him to do since Mike Brown 'failed' as F.E.M.A director; and that is to put competent people in charge of the recovery effort. And the President can start right at the top, with Mayor Nagin. At least then something good will be coming out of New Orleans City Hall.

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