Sunday, May 6, 2007

Oklahoman Diversity

Found this and it was too funny not to post.

Now, having been there a few times in my life, I know that Oklahoma isn't exactly the 'Melting Pot' capital of the United States....but, um, I had no idea their definition of diversity could be so.....uniform.

Apparently, a few years back, the Oklahoma Governor, by executive order, created the "Governor's Ethnic American Council" for the State of Oklahoma. From what I gather, it's supposed to help advise the Governor on matters that concern Ethnic Americans....oh, screw it. Just click here, scroll down, and look at the names of the Council's members.

You just gotta love all that ethnic diversity, eh?

Did I mention that the Governor, Brad Henry, happens to be from the self-proclaimed Party of Diversity?

Oftentimes, with politics, the jokes just write themselves.

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