Monday, February 26, 2007

Livin' It Up - Gore Style

Remember that old phrase about 'walking the walk' instead of just 'talking the talk'? Yea, well, apparently the self anointed Global Warming Messiah (Al Gore, for those of you not in the know) didn't learn that one. You see, when it comes to living the ultimate carbon-neutral lifestyle, Gore has a lot to say. Hell, if you've ever been unfortunate enough to see 'An Inconvenient Truth' (which, received an Oscar at yesterday's ESIC (Egregious Self-Inflation Ceremony)), as I have, you'll recall Gore continually making the point that us humans are responsible for Global Warming, and thus need to cut back on our energy consumption.

Well, that is....unless you live in a 20 bedroom, 8 bathroom Mansion outside of Nashville. Then it's ok. Naturally, Al Gore, with a hypocritical flair worthy of the great John Edwards himself, consumed some 20 times MORE power in 2006 than the average American household. Indeed, Gore's pithy dwelling consumes more of that evil industrial power in a month than most American homes do in a year.

You know, I'm beginning to think that Al Gore doesn't care about Polar Bears.

I mean, what is he going to say, in 10 years, to all those people who used to live in Florida? "I'm sorry your State is underwater, but I'm really kind of afraid of the dark, so I had to leave the all the lights on in all 20 of my bedrooms" Seriously, Al, that kind of B.S is just not going to cut it.

Of course, by the time Florida goes underwater from Global Warming; Al Gore will have had plenty of practice with Bullshit. Seriously, c'mon man! If you're going to run around doing your best Chicken Little impression you could at least act like you believed the sky was falling.

Consequently, I think it's safe to say that, for now, I can stop worrying about carbon pollution produced by my evil, gas-guzzling suburban; hell, Al Gore probably creates more carbon pollution in those 8 bathrooms.

Quite the example, eh?


While Monsieur Gore has begun scurrying to defend himself against the onslaught of 'right-wing' criticism he's received for this story, info has surfaced showing that one of the most ginuinely eco-friendly homes in the Nation belongs to, of all people, President George W. Bush!!

Remember that point I made about 'walking the walk' instead of 'talking the talk'?

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