Good Evening! And Thanks For Watching al-CNN!
I have completely and utterly lost all respect for CNN. Not that I had a whole lot to begin with, but still; what they did yesterday was utterly disgusting. In case you haven't heard; CNN obtained a video produced by al-Qaeda that showed American soldiers being killed by Islamo-fascist snipers. You may be wondering what, exactly is so unacceptable about this video - well, I'll tell you. Better yet, why don't I simply reprint the letter of complaint I sent to CNN late yesterday/early this morning! Here it is:
"Yesterday, your, normally, reputable news organization severely tarnished its reputation. On your website, you headlined a video in which Iraqi insurgent snipers targeted and killed American Soldiers. This is highly inappropriate content to display on a legitimate news webpage. I would expect to see this kind of content in the dark corners of the internet or the discussion boards frequented by members of al-Qaeda - not on a mainstream website such as Not only is the violent content of this video disconcerting and unworthy of your presentation; but the utter disregard which you have shown for the American Troops in the video and their families is truly disgusting. How many of the producers, anchors, and employees of CNN would like to have the brutal death of their son, husband or father broadcast to the entire world? My guess is a paltry number, if any.So there you have it! If you can't tell by now I really thought this was an extremely inconsiderate and stupid thing for them to run. One thing that I didn't mention in the letter, that I think is worth noting here, is that this type of 'news reporting' is what plays directly into the hands of the enemy and gives them better and better odds of winning. Al-Qaeda and the other Islamo-fascists cannot beat us militarily. They just can't. There is no way that insurgents can defeat the Marine Corps. The way that the Jihadists will win is by winning the P.R war. That's how Hezbollah was able to 'defeat'
Furthermore, in captioning this video, your organization stated that, despite its content, it was still necessary for this video to be shown. Would you have done the same had this been simply a criminal domestic incident? I highly doubt you would have considered video footage (had there been any) of the DC sniper, from a few years back, ‘headline worthy’ – and for good reason. The way to detail the murder of an individual at the hands of a sniper is simply to write an article in which you note the deceased and their tragic cause of death. Using video footage goes ‘over-the-top’ in delineating this particular type of story. Moreover, when news reports become ‘over-the-top’ this indicates that the objectivity of the news reporters has been lost; and they have attempted to make an additional, subjective, point or argument with their story. That is not the job of a news reporter.
I hope you will reconsider your dissemination of this video. Furthermore, in the future, I sincerely expect that your news organization will utilize better judgment when deciding what content to place on its website.
Thank you for your time."
So congratulations to CNN for receiving the most recent edition of the Walter Cronkite "Doing Our Best to help America Lose" Award!
You know, whenever Conservatives point out the terrible Left-Wing media bias, Liberals are always quick to shout "FOX News is Right-Wing;" which to a minor extent is true. But regardless of how biased you think FOX News actually is - at least they're on our side.
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