Immigration has been the hot topic for some time now. Everyone from politicians on Capitol Hill to protesters in the streets has had something to say about, and a different angle from which to approach, immigration. However, in all this talk, one thing that I have heard no one mention is France; a country which, sadly, Americans could learn a serious lesson from.
Remember the Paris "youth" (read Muslim) riots? The ones that had French "teens" up in arms and torching buildings and cars? Well let me refresh your memory. In France they had the following problems:
- An excess of Immigrants (both legal and illegal)
- A lack of cultural assimilation on the part of those immigrants
- Most of the Immigrants had "low-paying" or "unskilled" jobs
- Massive protests
- A seeming lack of concern/response from the Politicians
Wait a minute, you must be saying, that doesn't sound like France - that sounds like HERE. And sadly it does; mainly because we here in the U.S.A forgot to look, listen and, most importantly, learn when France had its immigration problems forced onto the table; proving that History not only repeats itself, but can do so at an astonishingly fast rate.
The French situation will fully repeat itself in the United States if nothing is done. This is why the President and all others who call for anything less than Rep. Tancredo or the Minutemen don't get it. Their "I swear-it's-not-amnesty" 'Guest Worker' (wink, wink) program leads down the road, across the Atlantic, and into the not-so-distant past. If Mexican immigrants to this country do not learn English, fail to assimilate culturally, and continue to pollute the job market with their 'unskilled' labor, the United States will fall into the same situation France was in last year.
One of the problems France has is sky-high unemployment. While this is due, in part, to a Socialistic economy; it is due in large part to France's millions of Muslim immigrants. These Immigrants came to France, drove down the average wage and leeched off all of France's massive welfare programs. Immigrants coming in and working for less takes jobs away from locals; which, surprise, causes them to become unemployed. Furthermore, the willingness of immigrants to work for less money causes employers to offer less in salary figures; if locals don't want to work for less, immigrants will. Thus, the average hourly wage is driven down. Of course, in France, the problem is complicated by the fact that individuals can make more money simply accepting welfare checks than from actually getting a job: but that's not my concern here.
However, transpose the above scenario to the United States. Who gets harmed the most in the wage and unemployment department? The poor, that's who. Excessive numbers of Mexicans will harm poor Americans just like it did poor Frenchmen. Additionally, can you image what would happen if the millions of Mexicans already here were able to fully benefit from our welfare programs as they do in France. You think Social Security is in trouble now? Imagine if it had to make payouts to 10% of the Mexican population, on top of Americans! Yikes! Massive fiscal disaster here we come!
Looking back, it is truly frightening to think that the French riots could happen right here in America. Just think, 20 years from now, all these Mexican immigrants (now citizens under the "guest worker program") demanding their Welfare or Social Security checks, while a bankrupt Congress tries to find a way to please them. Throw in the fact that most of those immigrants still don't speak good English and really don't care much for America. Mexican "youth" riots anyone? Hell, I'd be scared of what the lower class in this country might do to protest. 20 years from now, after being spat on constantly by the government in favor of "migrant workers" from another country, you don't think they'll be ticked off?
The above horror scenario is why we need a Border Wall, now. It's why we need to crack down, with jail sentences, on employers who knowingly hire illegals. It's why we need to stop talking about 'guest worker,' 'Visa', or 'earned citizenship' programs. What's happening in America right now leads to disaster. France would know. What's happening in America right now is why we desperately need Real Immigration Reform, now; because 20 years from now I don't want a Mexican torching my house -- or, for that matter, taking my job.
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