Is Discrimination Against Christians Ok?
As you've probably seen on the news, there has been quite a lot of nitpicking about religion during this annual Christmas Season. The scenarios have included everything from Rep. Hastert renaming Capitol Hill's 'Holiday Tree' a Christmas Tree, to the ACLU threatening lawsuits against schools that have Christmas Carols as a part of their 'holiday' performances. If you haven't seen the pattern yet, allow me to state the obvious. It all involves discrimination against Christians.
Yes, that's right, all over the United States it is now Politically Incorrect to be a Christian on public property. You can't set up a Christmas tree, or a Manger scene, and God forbid you say the C-word (Christ). Of course, the problem here is the double standard. The ACLU is suing the same schools for inappropriate uses of 'Christmas' that it sued for not allowing Muslims a special place for prayer during Ramadan. And oddly enough, no one seems to mind it when Jews discuss Hanukah. But please, don't ever even mention 'Joy to the World'.
The worst thing about this is that these anti-Christians don't see the double standard that they have. They don't think of it as discrimination. Although it most certainly is. It's perfectly fine for anyone to criticize religion in schools: as long as it's Christianity that they're criticizing. However, once we cross that PC line and start discussing Judaism or Islam or any other religion, the multiculturalists come swooping down; 'Don't discriminate', 'It's just their culture', 'You have to respect their religion', and the list, of course, goes on. These are the same people who, despite not believing in a universal right and wrong or truth, find some way to make the claim that having a Christmas float in the town 'holiday' parade is 'wrong'.
When are we going to stop pretending we don't know the roots of our country? When is someone finally going to say that toleration specifically for Muslims just won't cut it? So far this month, the Christian populace in this country has shown signs that it will at least put up a fight; and that's good. The Christian establishment in this country has stood by and watched as one of its 2 most important holidays has taken a theoretical beating from the media and the multiculturalists. Hopefully, we can find a way to put a stop the blatant and unnecesary discrimination against Christmas.
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