Saturday, November 5, 2005

The Not-So 'Gai Paris'

It seems that everyone's favorite Socialist Nation is again being put in the hot seat by its Muslim immigrants. For 10 days now, specific suburbs of Paris have been rocked by violent uprisings of young Muslim men. Cars have been blown apart, hundreds have been arrested, and buildings have been burned. On top of all this, the French government has demonstrated utter ineptitude in its attempts to halt the violence. Unfourtunately for France, it isn't just the current problem of curtailing the violence that the French Government faces. It is much deeper than that.

The root of the problem is, of course, France's abominable immigration policy. Muslims stream in daily, undocumented and unchecked. Many of the people involved in the Paris rioting aren't even French citizens, merely illegals who have no place being in France in the first place. And of course this problem is caused by another, much bigger, problem: socialism.

The immigrants come in the first place because they are assured of free health care, and the possibility of making large sums simply from welfare checks. However, the world is a rather imperfect place and so unlike the Frecnh citizens, these Muslims dont get the sums of cash. They get unemployment instead. Another side effect of the French governemnt's socialist policies and economy is an ever skyrocketing 12% unemployment rate. Furthurmore, as would be expected, this rate most affects poor men and women in France; such as Muslim immigrants.

Additionally, the current problem the French are having stems from their beloved 'multiculturalist' attitude. France is so afraid to come off as anti-muslim, racist, or, worse yet, oppressive. In doing so they have placed Muslims above the law. As is apparent in Paris these days, Muslims dont think they have to comply with the law. The reason for this is simply that Muslims have been given preferential treatment for so long in France, they think it will never end. France is afraid to say that certain radical Islamic ideals are unacceptable, because the French don't want to insult anyone, unless they live on the other side of the Atlantic.

The French need to grow up, or at least develop some guts. My only hope is that this rioting will expose certain glaring defficiencies in the French system, and spark change. Immigration is something that the French had better do something about fast, or they may quickly become Francistan. As for socialism, the Frecnh economy has been stagnant for months now, and if Chirac and all the other monsieurs in Paris don't make changes fast, the French may find themselves in a Great Depression-like state.

France is a wonderful country, and they make the best 'vin rouge' in the world; but the people in the suburbs of France's most famous city are in serious need of authoritarian aid right now. And I, for one, sure as hell hope they dont have to call 'Team America' to come save their asses again.

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