The Alaska Fund Trust
As those of you who have been keeping up with all the recent news regarding our favorite Alaskan here at The B&SS will likely know, since returning from the Presidential campaign last fall Sarah Palin has been unable to avoid the continuing politics of the campaign. The RINOs, Obamabots, and Good ol' Boys from Alaska (and elsewhere) have kept up their slew of attacks against her.
Clearly she must scare the piss out of them.
Unfortunately, in pursuing this course, these political lowlifes have turned to a weapon that we here at B&SS are all too familiar with: the frivolous lawsuit. Indeed, Governor Palin has been hit with an onslaught of bogus legal cases since last fall, all of which have been crap suits that eventually amount to nothing. Nevertheless, during this process, the good Governor has found out one of the real tragedies of these frivolous lawsuits, namely that they are insanely expensive - even when the charges brought against you get laughed out of court - and Sarah has now racked up over $500,000 in legal fees defending herself from these bogus suits.
The Doctors of this country welcome you to their world, Governor.
See, this kind of crap is exactly why we need a Loser Pays legal system in the United States. The reason these kinds of cases get brought is because trial lawyers (or politically motivated lawyers...) will take on such cases pro bono; knowing that it is of almost no risk to either them or their client and, potentially, offers a very high reward. Low risk, high reward - exactly the kind of formula to entice people to do something more often than they otherwise would, exactly the kind of incentive structure that does not need to be present in a legal system that is supposed to be operating on the sole incentive of the noble search for justice.
A Loser Pays system helps alleviate these problems because, under its auspices, the only way folks would bring charges against someone is if they actually thought they had a legitimate complaint - instead of just an insatiable greed for money they've done nothing to earn or, in Sarah's case, the desire to bleed someone dry solely for the sake of grinding some bullshit political axe.
Anyways, coming back down off the soap box, since getting a Loser Pays system to help out honest people like Sarah is just a fantasy at this point, I offer up to you the next best thing - which is to go to her newly created Legal Defense fund and chip in a few bucks to help her out!
In true Sarah fashion, the Alaska Fund Trust, as it's called, is a beacon of transparency and good, honest citizen-governance. All donors, and the amount they donate, will be made available to the public, no donations of more than $150 will be allowed, and no lobbyists (of any stripe) or foreign nationals will be allowed to contribute. (All these regulations are self-imposed, by the way, and not required by law for a fund like this one.)
Ok, enough said, here's your link: Alaska Fund Trust