Friday, April 27, 2007

Les Haters du France

This is just too funny to ignore!!! Check out this Link and prepare for a good laugh.

Now, personally, when it comes to French-bashing, I am never one to be outdone; moreover, as General Patton said, it is truly un-American to finish in 2nd place - HOWEVER, in this case, I think even the General would have to make an exception.

Seriously, when it comes to French-bashing, how could we possibly compete with the French themselves?!?!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The British Edge

All over the world, Freedom is hailed for its positive influences and outright necessity. Of course, when we speak of Freedom, we typically reference political Freedom - things like free speech, free press, etc. However, in doing so, we omit a crucial component of the term: Economic Freedom. Recently, I happened upon the annual Index of Economic Freedom, released earlier this year by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal, which ranks the Nations of the world in terms of their Economic freedom. Unsurprisingly, the top 7, (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland) was a clean sweep for the former British Empire; which founded economic systems based on British Capitalism in all 7 of the list-topping countries.

Indeed, Capitalism, it seems, after all these years, (and for all the vileness of its evil, Imperial, British inventors,) still works; and those Nations who are smart enough to continue implementing it do pretty well - especially when it comes to the question of that Freedom which we all value so highly.

So here's to the Adam Smiths, Milton Friedmans, Sir John Cowperthwaites, and Margaret Thatchers of the world for giving us, and maintaining, the best Economic system there ever was.

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Message From The General

...Because given how intent the Democratic Leadership seems on surrendering in Iraq, we could all use a little refresher course in what it means to be fighting a War.

For those of you purists, who perhaps find the (significantly) less-vulgar movie version a bit inauthentic, here's the link to the actual text of THE Speech the General made on June 5th, 1944: To the 3rd Army


If only he were still around today.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

LBJ is your Big Brother

You know, a long time ago, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to one of his friends on the subject of public welfare. In this letter, Mr. Franklin acknowledged the idealistic potential for good that was present in such programs; nevertheless, he concluded the letter by stating that he would, in fact, be strongly opposed to such programs. Why? Well, you see, Mr. Franklin's feeling was that if the Government were to introduce welfare programs many people would try to take advantage of, and abuse, the system. Moreover, he felt that such programs would also cause people to become dependent on the Government.

Turns out, he was right.

Nowadays, over 70 years after the beginning of the New Deal, over 50% of Americans now receive a significant portion of their income from the Government. Yes, that's right, over half of the people in this country have become dependents of the Federal Government. For some perspective, in 1950, that number was around 28%. It hit its high in 1980, at 55%, started to recede as a consequence of the Reagan Revolution and has now started to rise again with the onset of the open-arms, 'compassionate' conservatism of President Bush. (Of course, Compassionate Conservatism is basically just liberalism with tax cuts - not that I'm complaining about the tax cut part, mind you, it's just all that....spending.)

Yes, believe it or not, the creation and installation of massive amounts of welfare programs, from Social Security to Medicare and Medicaid, has had exactly the effect that us Libertarian-Conservatives told you it would: it makes people less dependent on themselves and more dependent on the Government. I know, you're probably wondering why I have to spell all this out - but apparently, a whole lotta people still don't get it.

I mean, if freedom is defined as the ability to do your own thing (being independent), how exactly are Americans supposed to be 'free' if they don't even earn significant portions of their own incomes? How do you expect to be able to prevent a Government from becoming oppressive when half of its citizens depend on said Government in order to maintain their lifestyles?

And I haven't even mentioned the huge, massive, overwhelming deficits we're currently running trying to maintain these stupid programs.

I guess this is just further proof that guys like FDR and LBJ were complete idiots, as their social programs have, quite literally, given a 'Big Brother-esque' quality to the American state. The U.S Government has, since the left-wing revolution of the 1930's and the Socialist revolution of the 1960's, become the do-all, cure-all, and save-all for an unseemly amount of its citizens. Of course, that's not what Government is supposed to be. You are supposed to be responsible for yourself. Well, you were, until FDR and LBJ came along and said that it was really the Government's job to look after you.

I guess they got what they wanted.

Sad, really.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stop Gun Abuse....Restrict Voting?

As I was reading through my rather large collection of quotes a few minutes ago, I came across this gem from Teddy Roosevelt:

"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends on the character of the user."
After reading it, and giving it the usual, appropriate snicker, it got me thinking; and you know what, T.R just might have a great argument for 2nd Amendment Rights in there. Consider this: what do many folks on the left lobby for on the issue of gun-control? Well, they want stricter, more effective restrictions on gun ownership and use. Why? Well, it's very simple (they say), guns kill people; thus to stop the killing, we should restrict the people who use the guns.

Sounds like a plausible line of thinking, right?

Now, consider the following argument which I will pose to you. I want stricter more efficient restrictions on voting. I want fewer people to be able to vote. Why? Well, because, as any opponent of the Iraq War will gladly tell you, electing the wrong politician gets people killed. And, naturally, we need to restrict the people who enable this killing which, in a Democracy, means 'We the (voting) People'!! So, end the violence, restrict....uh, anyone who's not a college professor from voting!!! Yeah!!

The logic doesn't sound as plausible anymore, now does it?

I haven't given this particular argument a great degree of thought, so it could still have some holes in it; however, I always take great pleasure in turning anti-2nd Amendment folks' ridiculous arguments upside-down and couldn't resist the opportunity. At the very least, it's some food for thought!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Governmental Brilliance!!

Finally, we discover why liberals have struggled with improving public education and proven unable to deal with out-of-control spending. It's just plain stupidity. Why else would the Democrats in the Michigan State Legislature, with a State budget deficit of over $1 billion, decide that giving every child an iPod would be a good idea? No, seriously, the Democrats in the Michigan State House actually proposed a bill, this past week, which would make it State law that every school child receive an iPod or an MP3 player, courtesy of the State Government.

And you thought Grandma was spoiling your kid!

Aside from the obvious qualms one might have about wasting money buying kids iPods when you have a one billion dollar deficit on your hands, please take note of the fact that these Democrats are trying to argue that such a policy would, in fact, be beneficial to Michigan children's education.

Because, you know, listening to a bunch of rap music about sex with 'hos, smoking pot and gun violence will surely improve the kids' SAT scores.

Oh wait, maybe they just want all the kids to have an opportunity to listen to Bob Dylan, with the hopes that 7th graders will proceed to skip class and go protest George Bush's eeeeevil foreign policy.

Just think of the educational possibilities......

Nah, come to think of it, they're just f*#@ing morons.

These Messages Brought To You Courtesy of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy