Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Almost as soon as the floor beneath his feet had given way, and the noose he had long deserved tightened around his neck, the rumors began to swirl about the execution of Saddam Hussein. What were his final words? Where some of Muqtada al-Sadr's followers present? Was there fear in his eyes? Or was he defiant right to the very end?

Perhaps more worrisome were the sentiments expressed by some anti-war westerners. They raised questions about the 'fairness' of his trial; extolled his ability to 'hold Iraq together' during his reign; complained that his execution changed nothing; and claimed that this execution made the executioners (read: Americans) no better than Saddam himself. These sentiments and concerns were not confined to the radical left. Indeed, one international organization, Human Rights Watch, went so far as to declare Saddam's execution "a step away from human rights and the rule of law in Iraq."

But all of these inquiries, rumors, myths and, in the case of Human Rights Watch, lies have one thing in common - they completely miss the point.

A true tyrant is a terrible thing to behold; a thing which, I believe, is largely unfathomable to most Americans, who have been blessed with a Democratic Republic for over 200 years. We cannot imagine the terror that comes with a Saddam Hussein. Furthermore, particularly given the way we have balked at our approximately 3,000 military casualties thus far in Iraq, we cannot possibly stomach the death that comes with tyranny. During his 23 years as 'President' of Iraq, an estimated 1 million innocents lost their lives to the genocide of Saddam. The execution of Saddam is about them - those hundreds of thousands who were not around to testify at his trial. Saddam's death was justice for them; and a grim reminder for the rest of us.

The hanging of Saddam is not, as some seem to think, an occasion for joy or celebration. Indeed, the fact that we are occasioned an opportunity to deal with the aftermath of genocide is quite a terrible and, for lack of a better word, sad thing. It is sad because of what it means. All those questions - Was he defiant? What did he say? Was it fair? Was it justified? - are being asked because a million people, one million, met unjust and untimely deaths.

Sic semper tyrannis indeed.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Battles with an Old Enemy

In Statecraft, Margaret Thatcher wrote the following when discussing what she dubbed 'The Russian Enigma:'

"While connections, corruption, crime, and cartels form the basis of the Russian system there can be no true freedom and no genuine democracy."
It doesn't take a genius to tell that, in Russia today, freedom and democracy, in just about any sense of the words, are vanishing fast; and this, of course, spells disaster for the United States. An undemocratic, oppressive Russia is, of course, nothing new to the United States; indeed, it would be safe to say that when it comes to combating the totalitarian tendencies of the Russian system the U.S has unmatched experience. Moreover, as the old saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt; and that's exactly what we should have for Russia right now: contempt.

There is, of course, something ironic about the fact that, as we attempt to spread the benefits of Democratic-Republicanism to a new region of the world, we get to watch it slowly vanish from the last region to which we spread it. This is not to say that Russia had ever truly emerged from the depths of communism to embrace democratic principles in the same fashion as their Japanese neighbors; there has always been room to criticize post-Soviet regimes in Russia, but it seems that President Putin has indeed bucked whatever positive trends had begun to take hold in the Siberian hinterlands in favor of trends which better remind him of his old days in the KGB.

In the wake of recent expatriated spy poisonings and the recent handling of anti-government protests, which, in some respects, evoked memories of Tiananmen Square, it is becoming clear that Putin has no interest in protecting what we Americans refer to as 1st Amendment rights. Additionally, the biggest problem arising from the increase in Russian oppressiveness is that President Putin is trying his best to extend this authoritarian influence to other countries; namely former Soviet provinces and satellites such as the Ukraine and Poland. When Ronald Reagan stood before the Brandenburg Gate in 1986 and declared that "freedom [would be] the victor" in the Cold War, he perhaps was thinking more so of the various Soviet satellites and republics than he was of Russia proper. These countries, as Reagan no doubt knew, had a tremendous potential, and desire, to become free. It was for them that he held the greatest hope. So for us to stand by and willingly ignore increasing Russian influence in the area, whether through oil threats or otherwise, is surely a gargantuan slap to the face of Reagan's dream for Eastern Europe.

As if the increasing force of the iron fist being brought down upon Eastern European peoples is not enough, Russia further incriminates itself with its brash behavior towards and relations with Iran. As it becomes increasingly more obvious that the influence and looniness of Iran is the biggest threat in the Middle East, the underhanded behavior by Russia in their dealings with that country become all the more dangerous. Aside from blocking any attempts to sanction or deal with Iran through the United Nations, Russia, to a much greater extent, even, than China, has blocked any and every attempt by the West to deal with Iran. They undermine European Union attempts to gain ground and, most significantly, declare that they will continue with their plans to sell Iran various bits of nuclear technology which could (or shall I say will) help them develop Atomic Weaponry. Putin deals with Iran, in part, I believe, because, aside from gaining financial profit through the sales, he takes great satisfaction in flipping the bird to the West. Putin knows that Iran is trying to build a nuke, and he probably wants them to do it, with the expectation that they will try to use it on either the United States or Great Britain. While the Russian President may find such a scenario personally beneficial in a variety of ways (even humorous, perhaps I would be interested to see his reaction when an Iranian nuke is used on Moscow in the name of Chechnya's Muslim rebels.

So indeed, Russia is not only plummeting into a post-Soviet totalitarianism, but is doing so at the expense of the Free World. Why, you might ask, is this not a bigger priority for the Free World? Unfortunately, the answer to that question lies with the most powerful man in the Free World, and his willingness, or lack thereof, to see the Russian situation for what it is. At the Yalta Conference in 1945, Winston Churchill continually cautioned FDR against trusting Josef Stalin - to no avail. President Bush's assertion that "when I look into [President Putin's] eyes I see an honest man" reeks of the same kind of ignorance displayed by FDR those many years ago. As a result of FDR's concessions to Stalin at Yalta, Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, saw its dreams of freedom lost to Russian totalitarianism for nearly 50 years. Which Nations will be forced to pay the price for President Bush's naive ignorance? Better yet, who will play the part of Churchill and strongly caution the President against Mr. Putin? And if someone does take up the mantle of Churchill, will the American President listen this time? Or is he doomed to repeat the mistake of the past?

Indeed, it is time for President Bush and the rest of our leaders, both in the U.S and the rest of the Western world, to wake up and realize the threat posed by the Russian Nation and its corrupt President. We need to get tough with Russia; otherwise we will likely fail to stop Iranian nuclear development. You know, the name of the game has changed from communism to fascism (Islamic and otherwise) - but the enemy has stayed the same. 'Hardball,' as Ronald Reagan discovered, works well with our Russian foe, and so, for our own sake, the game must begin in earnest.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Who Do You Trust?

So who do you trust? Not in your personal life, but which professionals do you trust? Well, according to this recent poll, most Americans tend to trust people in the Medical field. Yes, that's right, in survey of 21 common/prominent professional fields, the top 5 most highly trusted professions were all in the Medical field! Lawyers? Well, they were down in the bottom half, and had a 'net high' rating of (no joke) -20%!! Ha!! That dismal number had them in a tie with U.S Senators in the honesty department. John Edwards must be proud.

Here were the top 5:

1. Nurses: 82%
2. Pharmacists: 69%
3. Veterinarians: 69%
4. Medical Doctors: 63%
5. Dentists: 58%
I guess this just goes to further demonstrate how out of touch all these Trial Lawyers really are. They spend all that time in court trying to portray Doctors as 'untrustworthy' and 'dishonest' folks; but, as the numbers seem to show, most Americans aren't fooled. They know who's really dishonest and underhanded - the Trial Lawyers! So, word to the wise for all the Trial Lawyers out there, when the American people have the same amount of confidence in your profession as they do in their Politicians; you're doing something seriously wrong.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Le French To....The Rescue?

The French are up to their old tricks again; namely, flipping the bird to Israeli National Security and facilitating Civil War in Lebanon. The French, who are supposedly keeping the peace in Southern Lebanon, have, for the past few months, taken issue with Israeli Air Force overflights in the area. Of course, the reason the IAF does these fly-overs is to monitor Hezbollah and try to prevent them from smuggling rockets into the area. Those rockets will, naturally, be used against Israel; and the reason that the Israelis have to keep an eye on the situation is because, well, no one else seems to be able to. The Lebanese government can't control Hezbollah, the Syrians are sponsoring them, and the French, who are the UN's designated 'peacekeepers,' aren't exactly doing anything about it either.

But, the French just can't stand it when another Nation has the gall to point out their incompetence. So they've decided to make the IAF leave by sending in unmanned drones to patrol the area.

The IAF, of course, isn't stupid enough to stop its flyovers. If the French couldn't patrol the area and monitor Hezbollah with the military regiments it already has there, what's to make them think that these drones will solve the problem? What new evidence does the Israeli government have that will make them think the French are serious about disarming Hezbollah? Indeed, the French don't even consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization. And herein lies the rudimentary problem - and that is that the only folks capable of effectively dealing with Hezbollah are the Israelis. The French and other UN do-gooders certainly have proven themselves unworthy. Most everyone else in the Middle East is on Hezbollah's side. The United States can't do anything because we're in Iraq and Afghanistan. And that leaves Israel.

So here's a word of advice to the French and all their peacekeeping pals: When it comes down to it, the Israelis are the most stabilizing force in Lebanon, so don't spend so much time and effort trying to get rid of them! They're on your side! Or, at least, you should be on theirs.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Stop Global Warming! Go Cow Tipping...?

Global Warming, as we all know, is happening. It's happening right now. It's all you and your evil SUV's fault. It's also happening so fast that the whole State of Florida is going to be underwater, soon. All the experts agree! Seriously, be afraid, be very afraid! Oh, and it's also all George Bush's fault! Well, at least that's the message of Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, which I was unfortunate enough to have to watch for a Political Science class not too long ago.

(***Note to anyone thinking of seeing the movie!!!*** It's basically an extremely boring 2-hour Powerpoint presentation just without any cool animations or good background music. Also, it's interspersed with totally irrelevant personal stuff, Al Gore still whining about the 2000 Election, and, well, I'm not sure, I fell asleep and missed the ending.) (Yes, it's that bad.)

However, some rather interesting new research has come out that may be a bit, um, inconvenient, for Al Gore and other global warming fanatics. Apparently, cows, yes cows, emit more CO2 annually than "cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together." Yes, that's right; cows cause more global warming than evil gas guzzlers.

Excuse me for a moment - I'm going into spasms I'm laughing so hard.

Seriously, how much longer do we have to listen to all these doomsayers who keep telling us to watch out for global warming? I mean, if cows produce more CO2 than us humans, how exactly are we to account for, say the Oceans (which emit huge amounts of CO2), or volcanic eruptions (which also emit large amounts CO2)? Should we drain the Atlantic and put a gigantic stopper in Mount St. Helens?

Indeed, for me, the biggest problem I have with folks like Al Gore is not so much that they claim Global Warming exists, on this issue there's never been much doubt, but that they claim we as humans are most responsible for it. The way Al Gore tells it in An Inconvenient Truth; you'd think there was absolutely no other cause of global warming besides humans, an assertion which is certifiably wrong. So here's my solution, next time someone complains about me driving my Suburban and how that "causes global warming;" I'll go to the nearest farm and shoot the first cow I see. This will not only help the environment, but it will provide me with a nice steak for dinner as well!

Friday, December 1, 2006


You know, when it comes to making a political point, no one does it better than a group of intelligent assholes armed with a great message.

I think these folks qualify.

It seems the Young Conservatives of the University of Texas at Austin are creating an "ACLU nativity scene." Amongst the highlights are:

- Gary and Joseph
- No Jesus
- Stalin, Lenin and Marx as the Three Wise Men
- An Islamic Terrorist as the Shepard
- Nancy Pelosi as the Angel Gabriel.
Let's see, Gay Marriage, Separation of Jesus and State, Communism, the Religion of Peace and Nancy Pelosi - hey that could pass for the Democratic Party, not just the ACLU!! Indeed, it often seems that people on the left forget that the 1st Amendment actually doesn't guarantee every non-Christian faith special privileges. Religious Tolerance means that we put up with you - not treat you better than we do ourselves. Oh well, maybe at some point the friendly folks at the ACLU and on the left will realize that these wacky ideas of Religious freedom and tolerance include us Christians too.

In the meantime: Hook 'Em!


Here's a Photo of the Actual Thing!!!

These Messages Brought To You Courtesy of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy